26 March 2014
This episode we chat with Ivan Porto Carrero on REST, Scala, Scalatra, Team / Project collaboration etc. Ivan gives us his own take on ways to approach the development of REST based applications. He also talks about the early days of scalatra, highlighting the bootlenecks and decisions they had to take. Ivan gave us his opinion on some of the shiny new frontend frameworks and why scalatra supports one of them. We conclude with some advise for deploying java applications for less.
27 October 2012
This episode focuses on monads. We had on air Gregory Meredith, from Biosimilarity and the author of Monadic Design Patterns for the Web. Greg explained what monads are, relating them to several familiar DSLs and concepts such as XML. He also talked about how monads help provide levels of abstraction to help reduce the cross-cutting concerns or dependencies that most enterprise applications may be in need of. Greg also gave some insight on his choice of Scala rather than Haskell as the language for communicating ideas in his book, Monadic Design Patterns for the Web.
07 October 2012
In this podcast, we have a chat with Michael Surkan, Director of Marketing at Uhuru Software. Michael talks on what developers stand to gain by using the cloud to host their applications, with a particular focus on their cloud hosting service, Uhuru AppCloud and usage of the cloud in emerging markets. He also discusses their future commercial plans and offerings.
28 August 2012
A short conversation with one of the co-founders of ProWork, a brilliant new project management startup based out of Lagos, Nigeria. He discusses the challenges of running a business out of West Africa, award nominations and the future.
22 August 2012
In this podcast, Seyi talks about Google's Go programming language. He describes some of the concepts in Go, the architecture and lines of thought used to create Go programs. We also discuss some fundamental concepts of various programming languages.
19 August 2012
In this podcast we talk to one of the brains behind the Inye African Android tablet, Anibe Agamah, the CTO of Encipher Group. He provides answers to questions concerning the history, current status, future and mode of business of Encipher Group and the Inye tablet.
12 August 2012
It's been a long time since anti-patterns came to being. Perhaps you would easily relate to the all too common design patterns, speed and corners of purity/clean code, but here we bring to light some anti-patterns, code smells and discuss them.